Community Living

There are numerous ways of living in community, where the space dedicated to the collective prevails over the personal: student residences, convents and monasteries, temporary housing, communes, new settlements…

In the current context of innovation, we have seen original proposals for collective housing in recent years, which group together smaller living spaces supported by generous common services. These experiments refer to architectural typologies that, historically, have housed community living, where the spaces dedicated to collective uses take precedence over personal spaces.

Exhibition by Roger Subirà/Fundación Docomomo Ibérico

Throughout the 20th century, many architects contributed architectural solutions to house the broad spectrum of experiences that can fall into the category of community living. From the typological point of view, there are four areas that encompass a large part of these models: the suburban colonies associated with productive and industrial activities; “communes” and their translation into residential and multi-family grouping models; religious communities; and, finally, temporary residences. To a greater or lesser extent, all of them have been the focus of attention for the modern movement in architecture, with countless examples of buildings that house communities that do not rely exclusively on the traditional family as the fundamental unit of cohabitation.

In recent years, forms and formulas of community living ─ what has been called “cohousing” ─ have been tried out in Spain, in which the concepts of community and cohabitation have been translated into new programmes and formal solutions associated with collective housing, proposing residential options that offer alternatives to traditional housing models. In this context, it is worth revisiting the 20th-century research that has contributed solutions for housing the broad spectrum of experiences that can fall into the category of community living.

Productive Communities

Industrialization led to the emergence of new communities associated with new forms of production and the exploitation of resources. In the late 19th century, industrial colonies were built in places with direct access to water. Similarly, the mining towns on the Cantabrian coast and in Andalusia constituted new forms of social grouping resulting from the construction of accommodations adjacent to production sites. These communities, built ex novo, needed to provide not only accommodation but all the necessary associated services. In the second half of the 20th century, “new towns” were built as socially homogeneous communities, in which a series of shared services were provided; they took the form of rural towns in keeping with a larger, comprehensive project. Later, the towns built for workers at electrical plants concentrated workers in communities with abundant services for those workers and their families.


Communes: Research and Utopia in Collective Housing (1960-1970)

Certain multi-family architectures took a “romanticized” view of the commune as synonymous with a rejection of bourgeois social stereotypes. In the social and philosophical framework of the 1960s and 1970s, idealism and utopia permeated architecture that believed it was possible to advance towards a freer society through the creation of new architectural and urban forms. This translated into new forms of spatial groupings and typologies derived from investigations of new ways of living. Solutions were also tested in workers’ housing, in this case made necessary by the scarcity of public resources, which demanded maximizing and pooling shared services.

New Religious Communities

The contemplative life of religious communities is, by its very definition, a type of community life. Religious communities are organized based on a series of norms that constitute the “rule”; these norms often have consequences when it comes to the organization of living spaces and the relationships between the public and private spheres. In Spain, the architecture of religious communities in the late 20th century produced a large number of buildings that are characterized by a radical modernity: the airs of renewal laid out by the Second Vatican Council meant that the new ecclesiastical and convent architectures also expressed the desire to rethink architectural and aesthetic models, and rationalist architecture offered the simplicity and evocative capabilities they hoped to express. Miguel Fisac, Antonio Fernández Alba and Fray Coello de Portugal, among others, were able to lend this new religious architecture the sobriety and modernity heralded by the Council.

Temporary Housing

Among the different residential types, university housing has a long history in the architecture of the modern movement. In Spain, the promotion of higher education, starting in the 1920s, sought to incorporate students from different social classes into the university institution. Residential colleges and halls of residence facilitated this task. The centre of the University City of Madrid offers an unparalleled collection of design solutions created for this typology, with works authored by great names in Spanish architecture from the late 20th century. In typological terms, the residential colleges and halls of residence in Madrid were often characterized by their large size and by offering a wide variety of services in their facilities, – for sports or cultural activities or spaces for socialization. In parallel, the Labor Universities also gave rise to interesting spatial groupings.

Conclusion: Research on Collective Housing

In Spain, the 2008 crisis revealed the enormous dysfunctions of the residential market, with a stock of rental public housing that was almost non-existent. The right to housing joined together politicians and legislators with architects in the search for imaginative solutions. In these solutions, community living and collective housing revisited longstanding research and historical typologies, in which attention was focused on the relationship and the balance between private spaces and spaces for common uses in buildings and residential environments. Without a doubt, in the coming years the study of historical models of community living will further stoke the revolution we are currently seeing in the typology of collective housing.

Equipamientos de poblado de Llaranes (Bolera)

Camino Santa Barbara, 104
33460, Avilés, España

See fiche

Residencia de las Reverendas Madres Dominicas de la Anunciata

Calle General Oráa, núm 11
28006, Madrid, España

See fiche

Colegio internado de la Congregación de religiosas Jesús-María

Calle caja de ahorros, 15
03016, Alicante, España

See fiche

Residencia de los Padres Capuchinos

Rambla Nova, 105
43001, Tarragona, España

See fiche

Colegio Mayor Siao-Sin (Stella Matutina) e Instituto de Sinología

Paseo Senda del Rey s/n
28040, Madrid, España

See fiche

Colegio Mayor Santa María del Espíritu Santo del Instituto Nacional de Industria

Avenida Gregorio del Amo, núm 2
28040, Madrid, España

See fiche

Residència Germanetes dels Pobres, Casa de Ancianos para las Hermanitas de los Pobres de Lérida

carretera De la Vall d'Aran (N-230), Km. 5,500
25196, Lleida, España

See fiche

Casa Fullà

Calle Gènova, 25-27
08041, Barcelona, España

See fiche

Edificio WALDEN-7

Carretera Reial, 106
08960, Sant Just Desvern, España

See fiche

Edificio de apartamentos el Castillo de Kafka

Sant Pere de Ribes. Urbanización Vallpineda
08810, Sant Pere de Ribes, España

See fiche

Antigua sede de la CAMP de las Dominicas

Avenida de los Deportes núm. 1
31010, Barañain, España

See fiche

Conjunto de viviendas Módulo L

Calles San Fernando, Navacerrada y Albéniz
28850, Torrejón de Ardoz, España

See fiche

Barriada de la Paz

Barriada de la Paz

San Cristóbal
18240, Pinos Puente, España

See fiche

Iglesia y espacio urbano del pueblo de colonización del Solanillo

Iglesia y espacio urbano del pueblo de colonización del Solanillo

El Solanillo
04743, Roquetas de Mar (Almería), España

See fiche

Poblado de viviendas de los trabajadores de la Central Nuclear José Cabrera Unión Eléctrica Madrileña

Central Nuclear José Cabrera
19117, Almonacid de Zorita (Guadalajara), España

See fiche

Poblado de HIFRENSA (viviendas para obreros)

Poblado Hifrensa s/n
43890, Hospitalet de l'Infant, España

See fiche

Colegio Mayor Santa Mónica

Paseo Juan XXIII 19
28040, Madrid, España

See fiche

Colegio Mayor San Juan Evangelista

Colegio Mayor San Juan Evangelista

Avenida Gregorio del Amo 4
28040, Madrid, España

See fiche

Colegio Mayor Jaime del Amo

Avenida Gregorio del Amo 5
28040, Madrid, España

See fiche

Colegio Mayor San Agustín

Avenida de Séneca s/n/calle Antonio de Nebrija, Ciudad Universitaria
28040, Madrid, España

See fiche

Residencia Universitaria Santa María del Pino y Colegio Santa María de Yermo. Madres Dominicas Misionera

Paseo San Francisco de Sales 13
28003, Madrid, España

See fiche

Colegio Mayor Jorge Juan

Avenida de Séneca 14, Ciudad Universitaria
28040, Madrid, España

See fiche

Hogar Ciudad Universitaria

Hogar Ciudad Universitaria

Calle Arturo Soria 120
28027, Madrid, España

See fiche

Pueblo de Colonización Marismillas

Espacio Público e Iglesia del Pueblo de Colonización Marismillas

SE-9029, Las Cabezas de San Juan
41731, Sevilla, España

See fiche

Pueblo de Colonización Setefilla

Espacio Público e Iglesia del Pueblo de Colonización Setefilla

SE-9005. Carretera C-431 km-72,7
41440, Lora del Río, España

See fiche

Espacio Público e Iglesia del Pueblo de Colonización La Montiela

Espacio Público e Iglesia del Pueblo de Colonización La Montiela

Calle Ronda Norte 1 (iglesia), La Montiela
14549, Santaella, España

See fiche

Pueblo de Colonización de Cordobilla

Espacio Público e Iglesia del Pueblo de Colonización de Cordobilla

Plaza Mayor 6 (iglesia), Cordobilla
14500, Puente Genil, España

See fiche

Espacio Público e Iglesia del Pueblo de Colonización La Vereda

Carretera A431, Camino del poblado de la Vereda
41470, Peñaflor, España

See fiche

Espacio Público e Iglesia del Pueblo de Colonización de Maruanas

Espacio Público e Iglesia del Pueblo de Colonización de Maruanas

Calle Mayor de Maruanas 5 (iglesia)
14620, Maruanas, El Carpio, España

See fiche

Pueblo de Colonización El Trobal

Espacio Público e Iglesia del Pueblo de Colonización El Trobal

Carretera AP-4/E-5 km.4 (Se-9010)
41727, Los Palacios, España

See fiche

Pueblo de Colonización de Algallarín

Espacio Público e Iglesia del Pueblo de Colonización de Algallarín

Plaza de la Constitución 7 (iglesia)
14439, Algallarín , Adamuz, España

See fiche

Colegio Internado de Nuestra Señora de la Consolación

Colegio Internado de Nuestra Señora de la Consolación

Avenida de Madrid 38
47008, Valladolid, España

See fiche

Monasterio de Santa Inés Madres Dominicas

Monasterio de Santa Inés Madres Dominicas

Vía Hispanidad 35
50012, Zaragoza, España

See fiche

Convento de las Madres Carmelitas Descalzas

Carretera del Seminario 15
32002, Ourense, España

See fiche

Iglesia del Poblado de Os Peares

Iglesia del Poblado de Os Peares

Lugar da Pena 9, Parroquia de Oleiros
27533, Carballedo, España

See fiche

Equipamientos del poblado Minero de Fontao

Equipamientos del poblado Minero de Fontao

Lugar de O Fontao
36583, Vila de Cruces, España

See fiche

Nuevo Convento de Nuestra Señora del Pilar de las Madres Capuchinas

Nuevo Convento de Nuestra Señora del Pilar de las Madres Capuchinas

Avenida del Doctor Artero 49
22004, Huesca, España

See fiche

Ampliación del convento de Santo Tomás en Ávila

Ampliación del convento de Santo Tomás en Ávila. Padres Dominicos: Pabellón de estudiantes y Pabellón de monjas dominicas

Avenida de la Juventud s/n
05003, Ávila, España

See fiche

Colegio Mayor César Carlos

Calle Don Ramón Menéndez Pidal 3
28040, Madrid, España

See fiche

Convento, teologado e iglesia de San Pedro Mártir de los Padres Dominicos

Avenida de Burgos 204
28050, Madrid, España

See fiche

Convento, internado y colegio de la Congregación de la Asunción

Convento, internado y colegio de la Congregación de la Asunción

Calle Asunción Cuestablanca 11
28050, Madrid, España

See fiche

Colegio Mayor Teológico Hispano-Americano de Santiago. Colegio Mayor Vasco de Quiroga

Camino de Leonardo Prieto Castro, 2
28040, Madrid, España

See fiche

Colegio Internado Sagrada Familia

Calle Arca Real 201
47008, Valladolid, España

See fiche

Convento Madres Franciscas Descalzas / Convento Clarisas /Convento del Rollo / Monasterio Purísima Concepción

Calle Pintor Díaz Caneja 18
37003, Salamanca, España

See fiche

Colegio Apostólico de los Padres Dominicos

Calle Arca Real 209
47008, Valladolid, España

See fiche

Casa de Brasil

Avenida del Arco de la Victoria 3, Ciudad Universitaria
28040, Madrid, España

See fiche

Colegio Mayor Aquinas

Calle Leonardo Prieto 6, Ciudad Universitaria
28040, Madrid, España

See fiche

Equipamientos sociales del Pueblo de colonización de Miraelrío

Pueblo de colonización de Miraelrío
23499, Vilches, España

See fiche

Espacio Público e Iglesia del pueblo de colonización de El Priorato

Carretera A-431 de Lora del río a Peñaflor
41440, Lora del Río (Sevilla), España

See fiche

Monasterio de las Salesas

Carretera de Santo Domingo 2
14012, Córdoba, España

See fiche

Poblado de absorción de Fuencarral B

Poblado de Absorción de Fuencarral B

Delimitado por las calles Isla de Java, Camino Alto del Olivar, la avenida del Llano y la plaza Sasamón
28034, Madrid, España

See fiche

Unidad Vecinal de Absorción de Hortaleza

Calles Acebedo, Albuñol, Abertura, Abarzuza, Ahillones, Albatana, Alcaraz, Aldaya, Alfacar, Abegondo y Alcaudete. Altos de Hortaleza
28033, Madrid, España

See fiche

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