All articles published in RAM Docomomo Ibérico (Revista de ArquitecturasModernas, Journal of Modern Architectures) will be unpublished works, and include research and critical thought, as well as dissemination of activities related to architecture with scientific importance.
All articles will be assessed by external reviewers, ensuring a blind peer review. There viewers will assess the interest and novelty provided, the correct writing and exposition of thesubject, as well as the existence of appropriate references.
The journal will not charge any publication fee to authors.
The maximum length of the article will be 5000 words, including notes, citations and captions and references. Articles should be sent in .doc format. The text should be in Spanish, English or Portuguese. The font will be Manrope.
The body of the text is framed with 3 cm top and bottom margins and 2 cm left and right margins. No text outside these margins will be admitted, neither headers nor footers. Pages should be numbered at the bottom with justification to the right.
The first page should include only the title of the article, the abstract and the keywords.
The title of the article will have a maximum of 100 characters, in Spanish and English. The font will be Manrope, bold, size 12, spacing 18.
The key words will be between three and six, in Spanish and English. The font will be Manrope, size 9, spacing 12 and justified alignment.
The content of this page does not count within the 50500 words of the article's maximum length.
The article will have a maximum of 5000 words, including notes, citations and captions and references. The font will be Manrope, size 11, spacing 12 and justified alignment.
Foot notes should be at the bottom of the corresponding page. The font will be Manrope, size 10, spacing 12. In the body of the text,foot notes will be marked with a superscript and before the period.
The references of the document will be made accordingto APA guidelines. The references cited in the body of the text must be included; those cited in the foot notes must also be included. The references should be listed at the end of the text of the article.
When a quotation is included in the text of the article, it should be enclosed in quotation marks and its source should be included at the bottom of the page. For references, this same criterion is maintained; if the reference also has a DOI (Digital ObjectIdentifier), this will be indicated at the end of the reference.
The maximum number of photographs accepted in each article will be 10 images. These should support the text and be really use ful for the understanding of the article. The position should be indicated in the text in parentheses (Figure 5). The images will have a caption. The font will be Manrope, size 10, spacing 12.
The origin of the images should be included after the references. The author, if known, and the original source should be indicated. The font will follow the same guidelines as those used in the references.
Only photographs in tiff orj pg format, larger than 12 x 18 cm and with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi will be accepted.
Once the article has been accepted, if the author uses images from other sources, he/she must request the corresponding permission from their legitimate authors and send the Editorial Committee the document. If this document is not received, it is assumed that it is the material of the author of the article and, therefore, RAM Docomomo Ibérico (Revista de ArquitecturasModernas) is exonerated from any responsibility.
When sending the article, the author/s will fill in the Metadata with the requested data (name, surname, institution, workaddress, telephone and e-mail) and a brief curriculum vitae of 500 words maximum. This curriculum vitae must be submitted in Spanish and English.
RAM Docomomo Ibérico(Revista de ArquitecturasModernas) invites authors to use non-discriminatory language.
Download the template for the article by clicking in this link: