Following a Detail of the reproduciton of a door handle in a building by H. Sullivan, we tried to watch four doors in four buildings by Sáenz de Oíza. It will be in the homes in Puerta del Ángel, House in Talavera de la Reina, Dwelling in Torres Blancas, and the House of Arturo Echevarría. We will talk about the Gate, a crucial topic in the oral teaching by Sáenz de Oíza, and we will watch its importance in the Architecture from him. The article shows and makes a critical study on the coherence between Detail and Building, and on the continuity in Oíza´s´work., in this houses separated by just over twenty years between the first and the last. If we can indeed connect the work of H. Sullivan as one of the great masters of The Chicago School within a certain tradition in Architecture, we will try to sitúate the work of Sáenz de Oíza, as an architect of The Third Generation of the Movement Modern. The reflection is accompanied by some words from Oiza that give coherence to the thoughts that he has transmitted over fifty years as a Professor of Project Design at the Madrid School of Architecture. We will understand the Gate and its handle as an element to which the eye will pay attention to be touched by hand, and open a world of Privacy to the City. We will try to understand if that first glance, a carefull look, can allow us to presume a certain idea of Architecture, following the threshold área that is pertinent to créate forhe relationship between interior and exterior space.