Fernando Higueras represents for Spanish architecture that lost verse full of creativity that due to its heterodoxy has been silenced too much. However, this position outside of any affiliation has also allowed him not to suffer the ravages of fashions and validity so common in the disciplinary fields of the trade. His underground home-studio that he called "hellscraper" is a clear example of this uncompromising freedom. Transgressive, radical and at the same time coherent with the contingencies that made it possible, with the passage of time it is presented as a plausible alternative to the climatic demands to which architecture must respond. The use of the paradox in many of its expressions, like another language, denotes the use of an alternative aesthetic, negative to the existing one, an aesthetic, which, in this case, supposes an absent, buried architecture, eliminated in that fusion. with the medium in which Higueras was a precursor. Surprisingly, the interior of this exemplary home becomes an idyllic exterior, climatically out of all context, like the house itself that “could be Madrid or Ibiza”. A denial of the parameters that have determined architecture as an object in a solution in the environment that makes it possible, allows us to draw a defining hypothesis of another ecology to which we are committed. Higueras represents this hypothesis, intuitive, telluric, as it was part of his work, thinking about the context to reach the subject in which everything makes sense. to another architecture.