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Arbitration system



Articles will be externally blind peer reviewed. First, the Editorial Committee will check that the text complies with the requirements indicated, both in terms of content and style. Each article that passes this stage will be sent to two reviewers who are experts in the specific field of research, thus complying with the blind peer review system.

The reviewers will belong to the Scientific Committee or to the group of External Reviewers. They will value the interest and novelties provided, the correct writing and exposition of the topic, as well as the existence of adequate references. The result of the review (publication without changes; publication with minor corrections; publication with major corrections; not considered for publication), will be sent to the author/s, together with the reviewers' comments.

If the article needs to be modified, the authors will send a new version complying with the reviewers' requirements. Based on the degree of compliance with the requested modifications, the reviewers will decide whether or not the article should be published. This decision will be communicated to the author by the editor of the journal.