The RAM DocomomoIbérico(Revista de ArquitecturasModernas, Journal of Modern Architectures) is a new initiative of the Foundation to study and disseminate the cultural values of this modern heritage in the Iberian territories.
Since the beginning of its activities in 1993, the DocomomoIbérico Foundation has carried out numerous tasks to enhance the value of architecture linked to the Modern Movement. The RAM DocomomoIbérico(Revista de ArquitecturasModernas) is a new initiative of the Foundation to study and disseminate the cultural values of this modern heritage in the Iberian territories.
To this end, it is necessary not only to deepen our knowledge and add new interpretations of its buildings, neighborhoods, public spaces and gardens, but also to delve into the issues that concern the intervention in this heritage and the particularities of its management.
Being aware of the importance of images as a reflection of their time, for their capacity to attract and as an immediate means of disseminating architectural and visual qualities and qualities, photographs of yesterday and today will have an important presence.
It is an annual scientific publication
Bearing in mind that this is a collective task, the various activities carried out by numerous institutions and associations involved in these issues will also be exhibited, with the common goal of valuing and preserving a heritage that needs our attention and protection.
The RAM DocomomoIbérico(Revista de ArquitecturasModernas) is an annual scientific publication, in which only unpublished papers will be reviewed by external collaborators through a blind peer review system.