Una aproximación a la arquitectura de J. A. Corrales y R. V. Molezún. El grupo parroquial Jesús Maestro de Valencia

Author: Mondéjar Navarro, Juan Manuel
Date: 2016
Director: Torres Cueco, Jorge
University: Universitat Politècnica de València
School or Faculty: ETSA Valencia
Department: Departamento de Proyectos Arquitectónicos
Source: RiuNet Repositorio Institucional Universidad Politécnica de Valencia


The architecture of José Antonio Corrales Gutiérrez and Ramón Vázquez Molezún constitutes one of the main protagonists in the History of the Spanish Architecture of the second half of the twentieth century. This well-known fact reveals the value of a production that has been repeatedly recognised with the highest distinction. The conducted inquiry is conceived as a manifold approach to this architecture, focusing on three components: a comprehensive study, a typological analysis of their religious architecture, and above all, a predominantly specific research on the Parish Group Master Jesus, located in Valencia. The result is an architectural knowledge closely linked to thought, project, and work of these architects, characterized simultaneously by the clear link with the architectural modernity without previous affiliation to dominant formal styles, by the attention and extreme adaptation to the specific case, and by an understanding of the architectural profession and the architecture, as an integral fact that reconciles theory and practice, reason and emotion, and finally, spatial and constructive tradition and innovation.. 

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