“Mitad fábrica mitad convento”: la casa Tàpies

Author: Pérez Mañosas, Antoni
Date: 2015
Director: Fuertes, Pere
University: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
School or Faculty: ETSA Barcelona
Department: Departament de Projectes Arquitectònics
Source: Tesis Doctorales en Red


The central topic of this work is the house that architect José Antonio Coderch designed for the artist Antoni Tapies a nd his tamily, in a process that lasted from 1960 to 1963. The study of an architectural work (such as a design process and its execution) is often approached as an object of knowledge isolable in time,although placed within a historical context. Here we want to expand the scope ot the study, in the sense of considering this house with a life of its own, and not only as the published work in the photographs that Catala-Roca or Casali took when the house was brand new; at a time when a rchitectural works have this perfect look. Life of the house and lite inside the house. This thesis is organized into the following sections: 1. Prologue with genera l intentions. Design and contents of the thesis. 2. The Tapies house, as how it has been understood by the people who have known it. Ordered in increasing intensity. So: Occasional or regular visitors. Architectura l photographers. Customers. lnhabitants. Finally, we will consider issues of the project of the house. 3. All contextual facts relating to the house,in one way or another. Coderch’s activities simultaneous with the design and construction of the house. Sorne examples of a rtists’ houses and studios in the twentieth century. Other projects by the architect in urban consolidated areas (terraced houses). 4. lssues and project solutions present in the work of Coderch, in tapies that have sorne connect ion with the project for the Tapies house. Pick of a language based on a rchitecture of rural villages in a Mediterranean climate, and slow evolution. Functional issues regarding contemporary way of living, privacy and presence of servants. Architectural solutions. Working method in Coderch workshop. 5. Conclusions, constituted by sorne points: The continued relevance of the figure and work of Coderch, in a time that pays little attention to ethical, professional and personal values. The Tapies house and his qualities as a possible architectural model. The Tapies house towards the end ot its lite. 6. Bibliography

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