Author: Salvador García-Ayllón Veintimilla
Date: 2013
Director: José Luis Miralles García
University: Universitat Politècnica de València
School or Faculty: ETSA Valencia
Department: Departamento de Urbanismo
Panel members:

Ricard Pié Ninot (Presidente), Fernando Gaja Díaz, (Secretario), Joan Olmos Llorens (Vocal), Agustín Hernáandez Aja (Vocal) y José María Ródenas Cañada (Vocal)

Source: UPV


El proceso urbanizador que configura el actual litoral mediterráneo arranca con el turismo de masas que fomentaba la ley de Centros y Zonas de Interés Turístico Nacional de 1962 como apuesta estratégica nacional. 50 años después de su puesta es marcha, es necesario realizar un análisis retrospectivo de sus resultados, evaluando en que medida se han cumplido los objetivos que se trazaron en la década de 1960. La evolución del marco económico, político y legal son parámetros cuya incidencia aflora sin duda desviaciones sobre las previsiones iniciales de numerosos y grandes planes urbanísticos llevados a cabo en enclaves costeros creados desde la nada. El caso de La Manga del Mar The urbanization process that shapes the present Mediterranean coast started with the mass tourism that encouraged the Centres and Areas of National Tourist Interest law in 1962, as a strategic national investment. 50 years after its implementation, it is necessary to conduct a retrospective analysis of their results, assessing to what extent have met the stated goals in the 1960’s. The evolution of the macroeconomic, political and legal parameters show certainly deviations from initial forecasts of many large urban plans carried out in coastal places created from scratch. The case of La Manga del Mar Menor in the Murcia coast, a target of 250,000 holidaymakers which comes from a desert dune in the 1960’s, is certainly an example, poorly documented while enlightening, of the results that have been achieved. The study of real social and economic performance as a tourism product against territorial and landscape impacts, the problem of governance in the context of urban planning and the ability of private property to develop its own sustainable projects in the long run has been approached with the detail and objectivity that allows a comprehensive case study contrasted by the facts. All these elements will be distributed to either side of the balance, in order to evaluate the validity of a coastal development model, that after five decades we can now begin to prosecute with enough research perspective.

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