
The Iberian DOCOMOMO Registers in the FQ net

Together with the Arquia Foundation, the Iberian DOCOMOMO Foundation has built a tool that allows to geolocate the works included in the DOCOMOMO Registers, organize itineraries and visit the buildings. 343 buildings in Spain and Portugal are now gathered in this app, and soon the whole Iberian DOCOMOMO Register, consisting of more than 1.700 entries will be included.

This tool includes a search engine that allows to filter their queries with filtering options such as author, name of the building –current and original–, use, and direction, and then trace personalized itineraries including the selected buildings.

Las realizaciones del registro DOCOMOMO están geolocalizadas de manera que permite al usuario incorporarlas a los itinerarios personalizados que quiera generar a partir de los edificios.

Access the Iberian DOCOMOMO Registers in the FQ net

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