This register is dedicated to housing, one of the main themes in Modern Movement architecture. The first Iberian DOCOMOMO seminar covered this topic, which has been one of the most fruitful areas in modern architecture — from the point of view of architectural typology, the development and application of new technology and the social role of architecture, all very relevant subjects at present.
This work covers social and single-family housing in urban and rural areas. Residential models that can be considered to be public facilities were not considered.
Twenty experts from all parts of the area being studied formed a team that spent three years searching for and bringing to light more than 700 works, a set collected in the publication La vivienda moderna, 1925-1965. Registro DOCOMOMO Ibérico, a coedition with the Arquia Foundation.
In this register the works are divided into level A and level B. Level A is the main register, while level B works have local importance, helping to frame and justify the selection in each area.
All the buildings included in this Register can be accessed in our database
This Register was published in 2009.
Register: Modern Housing, 1925-1965
Execution: 2003-2007
Direction and coordination
Susana Landrove
Proposal and selection of buildings
Ana Azpiri Albístegui
Fernando Aguerri
Francisco Camino Arias
Miguel Centellas Soler
Alberto Combarros
Joseba Escribano
Celestino García Braña
Carlos Gómez Agustí
M. Luisa González García
Carmen Jordá Such
Gabriela Kacelnik
Susana Landrove
Miguel Lasso de la Vega
Xavier Llobet
José Miguel Martínez Rico
Jovino Martinez Sierra
Ramón Pico Valimaña
José Manuel Pozo
José Miguel Remolina Seivane
José A. Salvador Polo
Asier Santas Torres
Ana Tostões
Daniel Villalobos
Research and documentation
Miguel Centellas Soler (Almería, Granada, Jaén, Málaga)
Plácido González Martínez and Ramón Pico Valimaña (Cádiz, Córdoba, Huelva, Sevilla)
José Domingo Lago Martín, María Llerena Iñesta, Cristina López-Lago González and José Alejandro Algeciras Rodríguez
Ignacio Capilla Roncero, Francisco Daroca Bruño, Carlos García Vázquez, Plácido González Martínez, Ricardo Hernández Soriano, Fernando Jiménez Parras, Ángel López Macías, Alfonso Montilla Soto, Ramón Pico Valimaña, Sebastián del Pino Cabello, Amadeo Ramos Carranza, José Ignacio Sánchez-Cid Endériz, Marta Santofimia Albiñana and Andrés Rinaldo Velásquez Buscaglia - ARAGÓN
Direction of the research and documentation
Fernando Aguerri Martínez and Carlos Buil Guallar
Alejandro Dean Álvarez-Castellanos, Marta Delso Gil and José María Sanz Zaragoza - ASTURIAS
Direction of the research
Jovino Martínez Sierra
Alfonso Moral Lopez - CANTABRIA
Direction of the research and documentation
José Miguel Remolina Seivane - CASTILLA LA MANCHA
José Rivero Serrano - CASTILLA Y LEÓN
Direction of the research
Alberto Combarros Villalobos (León, Zamora, Salamanca and Palencia)
José A. Salvador Polo and Daniel Villalobos Alonso (Ávila, Burgos, Segovia, Soria and Valladolid)
Eloy Algorri García, Ramón Cañas Aparicio, Antonio González Delgado, Joaquín Hernández Martín, Luis Muñoz González, Pablo Núñez Paz and Pablo Redero Gómez (León, Zamora, Salamanca and Palencia)
Maialen García Castellanos, Nieves Fernández Villalobos, Ángel Hernández Díaz, Sara Pérez Barreiro, Roberto Rubio Canteli, Hidra Sánchez Calvo, Antonio Álvaro Tordesillas, Marta Úbeda Blanco and Rodrigo Villalobos García (Ávila, Burgos, Segovia, Soria and Valladolid)
Begoña Cuesta Llaneza, Ángel Vesga Martínez and Alberto Julián Vigalondo (Ávila, Burgos, Segovia, Soria and Valladolid) - CATALUÑA
Direction of the research and documentation
Xavier Llobet i Ribeiro - COMUNIDAD DE MADRID
Research and documentation
Servicio Histórico, Fundación Arquitectura COAM
Miguel Lasso de la Vega Zamora (dirección) and Alberto Sanz Hernando
Pilar Rivas Quinzaños, Esther Castañera Cuevas, Mónica Fernández Ferreras, María Izquierdo Salamanca and Vanesa Pintor Mazuecos
Equipo Arquitectura de Madrid
Equipo Arquitectura y Desarrollo Urbano, Comunidad de Madrid - COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA
Direction of the research
Carmen Jordá Such
Federico Iborra, Isabel Navarro and Maite Palomares
Justo Oliva Meyer and Andrés Martínez Medina - EXTREMADURA
Francisco Hipólito Ojalvo - GALICIA
Direction of the research and documentationn
Celestino García Braña
Rubén Luis Paz Pena - ISLAS BALEARES
Direction of the research and documentation
Gabriela Kacelnik
Cristina López - ISLAS CANARIAS
Direction of the research and documentation
M. Luisa González García
José Luis Lorenzo Alzola - LA RIOJA
Iñaki Bergera and Iñigo Beguiristain - MURCIA
Direction of the research and documentation
Francisco Camino Arias, Pedro Medina and José Parra - NAVARRA
Direction of the research
José Manuel Pozo
Elena Rodríguez Salcedo - PAÍS VASCO
Direction of the research and documentation
Ana Azpiri Albístegui, José Miguel Martínez Rico and Asier Santas Torres - PORTUGAL
Direction of the research
Ana Tostões
Daniela Arnaut, Frederico Moncada, Equipos IAPXX Norte (Sérgio Fernandez), Centro (José António Bandeirinha), Lisboa and Vale do Tejo (João Vieira Caldas, José Silva Carvalho), Sur (Michel Toussaint, Ricardo Carvalho), Azores (João Maia Macedo) and Madeira (Luís Vilhena)